JuanTahanan Application is aligned with PAG-IBIG Loan Qualifications and Requirements. To successfully submit and get a higher chance of approval, make sure to be complete of the requirements and has passed the qualifications.
A qualified applicant must be and have the following:
Active member with at least 24 months savings.
Legal capacity to acquire and encumber real property.
No Pag-IBIG housing loan foreclosed, canceled, bought back, or voluntarily surrendered.
If with an existing Pag-IBIG Housing account or Short-Term Loan (STL), payments must be updated.
Interested to apply but not sure what to apply for? Click the button below and explore our present and on-going projects and discover your future home. Don’t forget to apply!
Interested to apply but not sure what to apply for? Click the button below and explore our present and on-going projects and discover your future home. Don’t forget to apply!